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Analytical Instruments

Atmospheric CO2 analysis


8070 Air CO2 is a CO2 concentrator and purifier for stable and radiogenic C isotopes analysis. It is a state-of-the-art instrument for the separation and measurement of C stable and radio isotopes in atmospheric CO2.


CHNS-O Organic Elemental Analysis

ECS 8020 is a state-of-the-art system for the elemental analysis based on sample combustion and separation of gases with a chromatographic column. The combustion products, i.e. CO2, H2O, N2 and SO2, are separated and quantified by a high resolution TCD detector.


CHNS-O Organic Elemental Analysis

ECS 8040 is a state-of-the-art system for the elemental analysis based on sample combustion and separation of gases with a chromatographic column. The combustion products, i.e. CO2, H2O, N2 and SO2, are separated and quantified by a high resolution TCD detector.


NC SOIL Organic Elemental Analysis

ECS 8024 is prepared and dedicated to the carbon and nitrogen determination in soils and similar samples.
ECS 8024 is based on sample combustion and separation of gases with a chromatographic column.


Mass Spectrometry

Thanks to the ease of use, even a non-specialized technician can manage the instrument both in the research and routine analytical field for quality control and environmental sector.


CHNS-O Elemental Combustion

The elemental analyzer ECS 4010 is an instrument for organic elemental analysis based on the Dumas method for the simultaneous determination of CHNS-O elements.It represents an evolution of the elemental analysis techniques based on “flash combustion” / chromatographic separation. CO2, H2O, SO2 and N2 are separated in a GC column kept at a constant temperature that the user can select between 30 and 110 °C.


CHNS-O Elemental Combustion

The elemental analyzer CHNS-O Classic 4024 Model is an instrument for organic elemental analysis based on the Dumas method for the simultaneous determination of CHNS-O elements. It represents an evolution of the elemental analysis techniques based on “flash combustion” / chromatographic separation. CO2, H2O, SO2 and N2 are separated in a GC column kept at a constant temperature, user selectable within 30° up to 110 °C.range.


Respirometric Index Measurement

Costech Analytical technologies, in collaboration with NC Technologies has developed a unique instrument for Respirometric Dynamic Index (RDI) measurements. It complies with the currently prescribed analytical methods: National Standards (UNI/TS 11184, Biomass Self-Heating Testing) as well as International Standards (EN 15590, OUR Test, Self-Heating Test).

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